How I made a social media supplement on Storify

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been looking for a way to present my skills in digital and social media. Today, I created a social media supplement on Storify.

The supplement contains:

  • a bio
  • a brief overview of my skills
  • short and long-term career goals
  • influential twitter followers
  • links to digital/ social media profiles
  • key social media interactions

For a while, I’ve needed a way to present my knowledge of  social media, curation, blogging,  and web content production. I have a growing digital footprint, including more than  2,000 followers on Twitter.  While I consider myself relatively likeable, significantly less than 50 of my followers are actually flesh and blood friends of mine.

All jokes aside, there are just some experiences I can’t communicate well enough on a paper resume. Since word on the web is that resumes may even become obsolete in a few years in favor of digital footprints,  I figured there’s no better time than now to get cracking on another digital profile.

Here’s how I got started:

I’d seen articles about people making creative interactive resumes on social media sites like Pinterest , so I took to Google and entered the search terms “interactive resume”  to find some helpful hints.  The first result was  a post from Media Bistro’s 10,000 Words blog:  “How to Use Storify to Make an Interactive Resume“. The post profiled Scott Kubie, a copywriter who used  Storify last year to create a resume showcasing his career experience creating content on and for the web. 

I was pretty impressed with Scott’s story. Like Scott, I needed a creative way to show work I’ve done. I also wanted to go beyond paper to show my personality, including my attempts at humor (Hey, sometimes I can be pretty funny. Unfortunately, I can’t waste space on a resume with a line that says “sometimes I’m funny”). I’d been looking to create a version of a social media supplement since I came across Reuters deputy social media producer Matthew Keys’ PDF supplement a couple months ago. So, instead of chronicling my career history, I decided to exhibit my use of digital media by showing  some key social media interactions I’ve had this year.  Using Tospy and links to my digital profiles, I created a supplement that showcased social media reactions to some of my digital content.

Of course, this blog post wouldn’t be complete without a shameless networking plug.

I’m a multimedia journalist, and I’m learning to build web pages and program.  Scott Kubie has done broadcast storytelling, produces web content, and does UX.  Who knows, maybe our paths will cross and we can teach each other something (translation: I hope we can connect on Twitter via the follow button).

So that’s the background story of how and why I made a social media supplement on Storify! Tell me how I did! Let me know in the comments section, or send me a tweet!

-The Vibrant VJ

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